The Best Fruits and Veggies to Eat After Yoga Class


If you ask most yoga enthusiasts, they will tell you that they try to eat foods high in protein after their yoga classes. While there’s nothing wrong with having a protein diet after your yoga class, you will want to include some vegetables and fruits because they are alkaline, which helps your body to get rid of the lactic acid produced by muscles. This will help you to be less sore the next day. The question is: which fruits and veggies are the best for you?

Let’s take a look at some of the best fruits and vegetables to eat after a yoga class, depending on the time of day in which you take your class.

Early Morning Classes

If you’re doing your yoga between 4 and 8am, chances are that you took to your mat on an empty stomach. After class, experts recommend rehydrating first before eating a meal that combines a little fat, a little protein, and some carbohydrates. Examples of this type of meal include:

• A juice with coconut and spinach and some sprouted toast

• A smoothie with hemp seeds, bananas, and greens (such as spinach)

• A handful of almonds

• A handful of walnuts and berries

Lunchtime Class

Doing some lunchtime yoga? Well, your plate should contain something light yet filling and rich in proteins and carbohydrates to take you through the rest of your day. Some great ideas include:

  • Sliced avocados

  • A large spinach salad chock full of veggies

  • A sprouted grain wrap

Mid-afternoon Class

If you choose to do your yoga in the mid-afternoon, chances are that your system is still busy digesting the lunch you ate. For this reason, you won’t want to eat much more than a light snack to get you through to dinner. Some ideas include:

  • An apple and some almonds

  • Walnuts

  • Melons

  • Oranges

  • Peaches

Evening Class

If you are having an early evening yoga class, it’s only natural to assume that you’re saving dinner until you are finished with class. In this case you should eat something to re-fuel your body, not taking much or else you ruin your sleep. Some ideas include:

  • A handful of grapefruit slices

  • Water with freshly squeezed limes and/or lemons

  • A freshly squeezed juice with lemon and lime

  • A fresh peach or pear

Late Night Class

Any late night after class should be light and mostly composed of veggies so that you do not have a lot to digest as you go to bed. Some ideas include:

  • A leafy green salad full of vegetables

  • A freshly squeezed juice with beets, cucumbers, carrots, and/or broccoli

In general, eating fruits and vegetables is important after yoga class. This is because they are alkaline, and would work to get rid of the lactic acid produced by your muscles after yoga. This encourages muscle recovery. Before reaching for your granola bar or other popular post-yoga snack, consider what fresh fruits and vegetables you can work into your diet instead. Your body will thank you.