health food

5 Millennial Pink Foods That Are Actually Good For You

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Millennial pink foods are everywhere. If you’ve gone shopping, scrolled through your social media feed, or if you even just have an internet connection, you have heard something about the millennial pink foods trend. The popularity of the pink food began in 2017 when the New York Magazine wrote an article about it.

There are different ways that millennial pink has appeared, from clothing to women’s hair color, but it’s millennial pink foods that have grabbed pop culture’s imagination. Millennial pink has become a dream food. And, better yet, it has been found that the food items are good for health as well. Here we have a list of the top five most popular millennial pink foods and their effects on our bodies.


This earthy vegetable can be a lot of fun to cook with. Its juice can be used for natural pink coloring of any dish, from pilaf to smoothies. Like watermelon, beets have a high concentration of lycopene. What’s more, they also have high concentrations of folate and anthocyanins. Folate is used by the body to make red and white blood cells and to convert the carbohydrates you eat into energy. Expecting mothers who take folate will also protect their developing child from birth defects. Anthocyanins, on the other hand, are used by the body to repair its muscles after workout or injury. They also protect your body from various disease by improving your immune system and reducing inflammation.


Watermelon is one of the most famous pink food items. It is is used around the world in a variety of forms. It is perfect for hot summer days because you can cut it up and enjoy it as-is, or you can use it as in ingredient in your drinks, salads, meat dishes, and even infused in your ice cream. The health foods industry loves it because of its high concentration of lycopene. Lycopene is a very strong antioxidant that can benefit your blood pressure, skin, heart, flight inflammation and even help to fight diseases such as cancer.


Raspberries are the perfect fruit. Not only are they one of the few fruits that are low on the glycemic index (making them low in sugar and therefore better for your body than their sugary counterparts), they have a high concentration of fiber. These traits make it the perfect fruit for losing or maintaining weight. Eating such a low sugar fruit will help you to maintain your level of energy throughout the day. The addition of fiber into your diet will help to improve your digestion. Between the two, your body will benefit from regulated blood sugar levels and reduced cholesterol levels.


The dragon fruit is rapidly gaining popularity not only because it is a pink food but also because it is extremely photogenic. However, the delights that dragon fruit provides do not end there. The fruit also has a rich concentration of Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and fiber, which makes it a delicious and beautiful addition to your diet.


If you are looking for a new way to help your body defend against colds and flus, consider eating more red grapefruit. It has a rich concentration of vitamin C that will not only boost your immune system but help to delay the signs of aging. It also has a high concentration of pectin that helps to reduce cholesterol and it is good for the GI tract.

As you can see, the Millennial pink foods trend may seem superficial, but each food has high concentrations of vitamins and nutrients that are healthy for your body. Benefits range from improved performance, disease prevention, and weight loss. Below are a few recipes to get you started in working these power foods into your diet.




1 large dragon fruit, peeled and cut

5 large strawberries cut

1 cup raspberries

1 banana, cut

1 medium beet, peeled and cut

3/4 cup coconut milk yogurt

2 tablespoons chia seeds

1 tablespoon agave

1 teaspoon lime juice

1/2 cup of crushed ice


Combine all ingredients into a blender. Blend on high until smooth.



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1/2 cup hazelnuts

2/3 cup water

1/3 cup lime juice

1/2 medium watermelon, cubed

2 small ruby red grapefruit, split into wedges

1/3 cup mint, sliced

 Preheat oven to 350°F. Spread the hazelnuts out on a baking tray. Bake in oven for 10 minutes or until toasted. Fold the hazelnuts in a towel and rub to remove the skins. Chop them into large pieces.

Place the watermelon, grapefruit, and mint in a large serving bowl. Combine the water and lime in a small bowl. Drizzle over the fruit mixture and gently toss to combine. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for at least 1 hour. Sprinkle with hazelnuts and serve.


This article was written by Wheeler del Torro, Nutritional Anthropologist & Founder of Seasonality Spices

5 Healing Foods for People on the AIP Diet

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So you’ve taken the plunge and started the AIP diet. Congratulations! There’s no doubt you’ve been told ad nauseam the foods you should avoid in order to heal. I’m here to share with you a little secret: living with an autoimmune disease does not need to be so deficits-based. In fact, you can grow, learn, and try new things while on AIP. But before we take a look at some foods you should definitely add into your diet while on AIP, let’s take a step back for a moment and cover some of the basics.


What is the AIP Diet?

The Autoimmune Protocol, or AIP, is a diet that is used for the treatment and management of autoimmune diseases. These diseases cause the immune system to mistakenly attack the body’s healthy tissues and are characterized by inflammation. Because irritation is at the root of autoimmune diseases, and because many health professionals believe the cause of the suffering is leaky gut, nutritionists and holistic health professionals often recommend cutting out foods that are notoriously irritating to the body. The result: the Autoimmune Protocol. AIP is a stricter version of the Paleo diet that eliminates even more foods. Patients are further advised to consume nutrient-rich food items. By consuming the food items rich in nutrients and avoiding those that might cause inflammation, many people have found relief from their autoimmune symptoms through AIP.

If you are planning to follow the AIP diet, it is important that you strictly follow the diet plan for a few weeks. Once your condition starts to improve, you can slowly reintroduce the food items that you have been avoiding while carefully watching your body’s reaction. Should another flare up occur after eating a previously restricted food, the individual is advised to exclude the food item from their diet for a long time.


Benefits of AIP Diet

The Autoimmune Protocol Diet is very beneficial for any body, and especially beneficial for those who are are currently suffering from autoimmune diseases. Some of the most obvious benefits include:

1. The ability to maintain your health without the use of synthetic drugs.

2. An opportunity for the good bacteria residing in the gut to thrive.

3. A better understanding of your body and its functions.

4. The excuse to treat your body to only anti-inflammatory, nutrient-rich, and unprocessed natural food items.


So, What Should I Eat?

You have no doubt come across list upon list of foods you can and cannot eat while on AIP. I’m here to tell you that there’s another list: the foods you should be eating. Go crazy with them! They will only help your body to heal faster. Here is a list of the top 5 staple food items that should be a part of your meal if you are on Autoimmune Protocol Diet.

1. Turmeric

Turmeric is an important ingredient that is often add into Asian dishes to enhance the color and flavor of the food. You may not be aware that, for centuries, humans have been using turmeric for the treatment of wounds and pain. It has strong anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that will heal any body, including yours.

2. Activated charcoal

While you are on the AIP diet, it is not only important to reduce the inflammation in your body. It’s also worth making the effort to eliminate any chemicals or toxins that are causing inflammation. This is why it’s encouraged that you eat only organic and free-range foods. But what about the toxins that you cannot avoid? Enter activated charcoal. Activated charcoal was once thought to be the universal antidote to all illnesses. It has been used in Asia for tens of thousands of years by Chinese healers and Ayurvedic practitioners. More recently, it has been used since the early 1800s as an emergency treatment for overdosing. In its activated state, charcoal has a negative electrical charge that attracts positively charge particles such as toxins and gases, binding itself to the unwanted guest and preventing it from being absorbed into the body. Given its powerful qualities, the detox world has cleaved to activated charcoal as a tool for cleansing the body and cultivating digestive health, heart health, and to slow down the aging process. Activated charcoal detoxes can be found online, as can charcoal pills. Seasonality Spices® even sells an organic, all-natural black lava salt from Hawaii that contains activated charcoal.

3. Spirulina

Maintaining a proper nutritional level is very important any time, but especially when you are attempting to heal your body with the AIP diet. As such, spirulina is an excellent option to explore. It is cyanobacteria commonly known as blue-green algae. Spirulina will provide your body with all the important nutrients that you need to stay healthy and fit while you are following the AIP diet, many of which are impossible to get on the average diet. Another benefit of Spirulina is that it is anti-inflammatory. It will protect your body from any kind of inflammation reactions. You can blend Spirulina into any smoothie, acacia bowl, juice, or even a glass of water.

4. Coconut oil

Another food with powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain-relieving) properties is coconut oil. Should you use it instead of avocado oil or olive oil (two other oils that are permitted by AIP), you will find that your foods have an additional, delicious flavor and are boosted with nutritional properties and healing affects you cannot find in the other two options. Coconut oil is additionally good for massage because the oil will be infused into your bloodstream through the skin, further helping to reduce inflammation in your body.

5. Broccoli

Broccoli is jam-packed with nutrients, one of which is sulforaphane. This powerful antioxidant fights inflammation by lowering your levels of cytokines and NF-kB. Research has also show it to lower your risk of heart disease and cancer. Bon appetite!


Bottom line

Being restricted to an AIP diet doesn’t need to be a negative, restrictive experience. Once you have gotten used to the foods to avoid with the diet, make it a point to have some fun with it. Explore the five staple foods above. Learn more about them, and how you can incorporate them into your everyday life. Experiment in the kitchen. Share new foods with friends. Here are a couple of recipes to get you started.


BONUS: Ginger Turmeric Herbal Tea

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8 cups of water

1 small lemon, chopped

1½ inch ginger root, minced

1 tsp Seasonality Spices® Turmeric

1 tsp Seasonality Spices® Cinnamon



Add all ingredients into a pot and bring to a boil on the stove. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool off. Strain with a fine mesh strainer before serving.


BONUS: Caramelized Broccoli

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3 tablespoons coconut oil, divided

2 heads of broccoli

1/2 cup water

4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

2 tablespoons Seasonality Spices® Herbes de Provence

2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice



Peel the broccoli stems away from the heads. Cut the heads in half lengthwise. In a large skillet, heat 2 tablespoons of the coconut oil. Add the broccoli, cut side down. Cover the skillet and cook over medium heat until richly browned on the bottom, about 8 minutes. Add the water, cover and cook until the broccoli is just tender and the water has evaporated. Add the remaining 1 tablespoon of coconut oil along with the garlic and the Seasonality Spices® Herbes de Provence and cook uncovered until the garlic is golden brown. Drizzle the broccoli with the lemon juice and serve.

Everything You Need to Know About Blue Majik

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The US has caught the smoothie bug, and it’s bad. These days you can’t walk two blocks without seeing a fancy new juice bar. And don’t try to scroll through your Instagram feed without seeing ten photos of your friends’ breakfast smoothie bowls. If you’re anything like me, you can’t help but to double tap every single one you see. Each is more beautiful than the last!

If you are into healthy eating, Blue Majik must have caught your eye by now. In less than a year, this delightful ingredient has made its way into cold-pressed juices, smoothies, and smoothie bowls with lightening speed. The powder gives the food an unmistakable blue raspberry slushie-like color that looks as if it’s unicorn food.

But what is Blue Majik, exactly?

Blue Majik is a branded powder product that is extracted from spirulina. In fact, Blue Majik is the blue that gives spirulina it’s radiant green color. What is spirulina, you ask? According to Maggie Moon, M.S., R.D., author of The MIND Diet, “Spirulina is blue-green bacteria sometimes called ‘blue-green algae,’ and a type of seaweed.”

Blue Majik was created by a company named E3 Live back in 2016. As a nutrient-dense superfood, Blue Majik is packed with vitamins and minerals and boasts of many health benefits. It is quite expensive (you can get it for $1/gram on Amazon), but most health food fans consider it a worthwhile investment.

What’s so super about the superfood?

Like spirulina, Blue Majik is jam-packed with nutrients such as protein, B vitamins (including B12), phytonutrients (including phycocyanin), selenium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron (22 times the amount of spinach), Vitamin E, and gamma-linolenic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid).

According to the medical field, the impact of these nutrients are promising but not yet official. Some of the promised benefits include immune support, reduced allergic reactions, increased probiotic growth, reduced infection, reduced cancer symptoms, protection against liver damage, and reduced risk of eye disease such as cataracts and macular degeneration. With such tremendous promise of health benefits, it’s not hard to imagine why Blue Majik has taken the health industry by storm.

So, how do I use it?

Blue Majik is available in pill or powder form. Always follow the instructions given by the vendor of the product.

The powder can be mixed into any food for a nutrient-boost. The most common uses are in smoothies, juices, and chia bowls, but the creativity doesn’t need to end there. People have used Blue Majik in sauces, cream cheese, yogurt, icing, and in their margaritas. Most recently, Seasonality Spices has created a Blue Majik Salt that can be used to bring out the flavor and up the health profile of everyday foods.

Get creative. Blue Majik is sure to catch the eye and the imagination of anyone in its presence. Plus, it has the promise of promoting tremendous health outcomes.

BONUS: Wheeler del Torro’s Vegan Blue Majik Vanilla Ice Cream


  • 1 cup soy milk, divided

  • 2 tablespoons arrowroot

  • 3 tsp Blue Majik powder

  • 2 cups soy creamer

  • 3/4 cup sugar

  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract

  • 3 tsp Blue Majik powder


  1. In a small bowl, combine 1/4 cup soy milk with arrowroot and Blue Majik powder and set aside.

  2. Mix the soy creamer, remaining 3/4 cup soymilk, and sugar together in a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. When the mixture begins to simmer, take off heat and immediately pour in the arrowroot cream. This will cause the liquid to thicken noticeably.

  3. Add the vanilla extract.

  4. Set the ice cream mixture aside to cool, then place in refrigerator. Ice cream mixture should be well chilled before adding to ice cream machine. Freeze according to your ice cream maker’s instructions.


BONUS: Vegan Blue Majik Smoothie Bowl Recipe

1 frozen banana

1 cup frozen mango

1 cup frozen pineapple

2 tsp Blue Majik powder

1 tbsp chia seeds

1/3 cup unsweetened soy milk

Blend ingredients together until smooth. Top with fresh fruit, shredded coconut, mixed nuts, and granola.
